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Hello, this is Paige Koehler introducing my new course  Embracing Your Joy.    

I am very excited about this course. One because I have done this type of work my whole life. Two, because I truly want to help everyone I can and hear from you. Three, I want to create joy in the entire world and know that less suffering is happening. 

Once reaching JOY, all things are right. All issues and problems become nothing. Because JOY overrides all of it. Life becomes very loving even in the times that others feel stressed. Joy is not stress. Being able to enjoy and smile in the wake of disasters and trauma that others endure helps them get through it. There is no more exhaustion, or energy deficiency. 

Universal vibration energy or frequencies are in EVERYTHING. From the galaxies to the sun, planets, moon, and on earth.   Our thoughts, emotions, and cells vibrate. What this means is that if we must maintain our body, physical constitution we need high vibrations everywhere.   

 Even a 2-year-old toddler will wiggle to the rhythm in a good beat.  

There are different times that the universe creates more energy and we are to gather this. We receive stronger vibrational energy at full moon.    Like a tuning fork we hear a tone when vibrating fast, and not when not vibrating. Just like the tuning fork we live by vibrations/ frequencies. When it is slowed down we feel sick, when it stops we die.  

It is scientifically proven that plants vibrate and are affected by the elements vibrating to feed it in the sun and water and soil. Everything has a rhythm to it as in music frequency. Enjoy the living rhythm and be ready to dance to life. To the highest vibration called JOY AND LOVE.

It is vitally important that we pay attention, be aware of personal vibrations. It is the individual’s responsibility to vibrate the highest possible. The highest bringing Joy to your life. You will receive 3 more videos about this course and a special offer at the end. A short message, you are perfect in your imperfectness. Don’t let anyone ever tell you different. Love who you are because who you are is alright to everyone. Nothing else matters. Blessings and Nameste.

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